Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Another Rant

Police Car messaged me using a new phone number. He asked me to lend him $500 because his employers have not updated the change in his bank account and therefore could not pay him until the next payday. He also promised to pay me back once he received his overseas allowance for his Thailand detachment. This is ridiculous. An overpaid air force staff sergeant wants to borrow money from an unemployed part-time student. After working for nearly a decade, his expenses mainly going to his studies (which he dropped out), his church, family allowance and daily expenses, and having no car, housing loans and girlfriend to pay off, the guy has to live on a month to month basis. And now he borrows money from me, and yet had the money to get a new line.

I think Police Car should quit his gambling. He knows little about football anyway, and making his investment decisions based on the league tables is never the smartest thing to do. The ball is not just round, it is spherical. In football shit can happen and it always does. There may be other leagues besides the EPL, but that doesn’t mean you have to throw money at any team Barcelona plays or worse, two obscure teams you have never even heard of. If you must bet, make sure the money you wager is affordable, meaning should you lose you would not be reduced to begging for handouts. Once money is thrown like this, consider it lost until further notice.

He should stop being generous to the whores he patronizes. You play the whores, not the other way round. There are reasons why any whore would want you to be her boyfriend and your pock-marked face is never one of them. If you must womanize, please do not complain ad nauseam about the lack of girlfriend experience, and the whore’s refusal to let you French kiss her. If you want a girlfriend, go get one. Stop making some limp excuses about how that girl in your church prefers some Indian guy and then make racist remarks in front of me but never to his face. He should stop bastardizing the Cantonese I taught him. What is the point of learning Cantonese to go after the said girl (who is Cantonese) and then NOT use it because he is so fucking afraid and then use all the profanities contained in the language when he speaks to me? I don’t understand why he cannot get a girlfriend. If I were a xtian, I might even be married by now. There is something simple about xtian girls that an enterprising guy can exploit. Most or all xtian girls will never take a non-xtian guy for a boyfriend – all that crap in the stupid book demanding believers not ‘yoke’ themselves to non-believers. A xtian guy has all the advantages in the world when it comes to courtship. Competition (non-xtian guys) is effectively eliminated, and at the same time you can go after both xtian and non-xtian girls! What is so damn hard? Why be so frightened of rejection if you have the power of your deity behind you? For all your postulations about trusting in god and being part of its divine plans, you are nothing when you can’t even defeat your sense of inferiority, cowardice and fear of rejection. Your god avails you not, You avail yourself not. Pathetic whoreson.

And stop taking bank loans to pay off the credit card debts. In the end you still have to pay the banks back, and at huge interest. Banks, bankers, financial planners, financial schemes and in general the entire banking and financial industry cannot be trusted. They are so rich because they are licensed to cheat you of your hard-earned money and all that credit cards that you sign and the stuff you pay for it – you have to pay them back with interest one day. They don’t care about you. You die it’s your problem, just don’t make it theirs.

Quit the church. The pastor is overfed and overpaid and if there is any justice at all charlatans like that swine should be prosecuted. These legalized ‘magic-stone men’ cannot be trusted. A sincere one is loyal only to his non-existent god (one will find many of these in the mental asylums). A bad one is basically a con-man. Either way they don’t care about you. They just want your soul and money and you are nothing to them once you run out of money or your life, whichever occurs first. Besides, how can anyone honest still call himself a god-fearing xtian when he pays for sex? Granted, Police Car may not be the most honest or intellectually capable person, but surely he would acknowledge the lie he lives? Either this is beyond his understanding, he does not want to ponder too deeply, or both. Some people just can’t handle the truth. Anyway, instead of pretending to be what he’s not, why not step out of the circle of light and embrace the darkness? He is slipping, slowly and inexorably, and he must learn to live with it. From false light to true embracing darkness. He may yet find liberation.

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