Monday, May 24, 2010

A Blasted Mind

I just suffered through my only paper of the season. I remember picking up my pen, frantically scribbling away, and getting interrupted THRICE by the invigilator announcing that we ought to take note of certain questions in the paper. I was very frustrated by these needless interruptions to my already desperate and jumbled thought process. Surely they could have checked the papers for mistakes BEFORE the examinations?

I wrote what I could remember and there was a bit of the mental collapse in which you suddenly cannot remember key facts. No choice but to trudge on and write. It was a load of bollocks I produced but may it be sufficient to save me from relegation. One part was in Gehenna - two essay questions that required you to conjure things outside the textbook. I looked to my left and right. It seemed that people were equally stunned or were struggling to put words to paper. (The Rack was not around. Truly a tragedy.)

I met an ex-colleague (gulag inmate) outside the school library. He is struggling with some horrendous finance module. He told me that the capstone course we will be taking next season is going to be a bitch. They changed the class schedule and examination format this season. Now we have to attend classes on both weekdays and weekends. According to him, they split the examination questions into small chunks and nobody actually managed to finish the paper, and we are talking about a three hour torture. Furthermore, we have to do plenty of research, prepare our own notes and cart them into the examination hall. This is truly suicide-inducing news indeed. Next season, I will have five assignments, two quizzes, three examinations, loads of research, and very little time. Seriously, when XH hears about this, he will surely be compelled to kneel before me, worship me, and offer sacrifices. For the 1,000,000,000 time I regret not taking up Arts. The trials and tribulations of a philistine indeed.

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