Happy Sunday! Now for the suck.
My existence is getting more ludicrous by the minute. Following the departure of my colleague for greener - and more bountiful - pastures, I am now the ONLY ONE left in my department.
We did not have a proper handover, to be honest. Right up to her last day, my ex-senior had to rush for meetings to clear up shit for people who should have cleared theirs up long before she had her last day. Her last week was taken up by training - my boss felt it would be helpful to clear up any lingering doubts our system users might have so that they could be more independent. It turned out quite differently though. Some did not attend. Those who did asked more questions we could possibly solve and now I have an entire back log of problems which probably dated back to the time of the dinosaurs.
It was brutally obvious to any attendee that our business process was shite from the start. It is little wonder why we are not making any money. As if this is not bad enough, our strategy, product development, and marketing teams are either clueless as a whole or headed by people who should be in a home for retards.
Now I have a whole pile of shit and about 150 employees under my charge. Can't log in - who do they find? Me. Invoice processing got stuck? Me. Variances in the accounts? Me. Some idiotic director doesn't know how to read a bleedingly simple sales report? Me. Every thing comes to me, every damn thing happens to me. If I hadn't lacked money, I would have bid this sorry excuse for a gulag good riddance and walked out of it strutting like a peacock. The Feisty Old Bag told me that two of her editors are leaving soon. I feel happy for them. I'll be leaving at the end of the year and even if they double my paltry wages I'll still not stay on. I feel sorry for the new staff who takes over my senior's position. She/he/it can forget about having some resemblance of work life balance, because there is none to be had.
Possibly the only good thing I could have gotten out of this sorry stint is the kind of shit I can put on my job application letter and resume. "Supported the entire IT infrastructure alone", "Designed and implemented business processes", "Managed international stakeholders" sound just about right. During the course of my short existence I have shown myself capable of doing impossible things. If I get through this, it will be yet another notch on my blade.
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