"When the Lady of Beauty heard these words, she smiled and laughed pleasantly. Then she whispered to him, "by Allah, you have quenched a fire that was bothering me, and now, my dark-haired darling, take me to you and press me against your chest." Then she stripped to her outer garment,and she threw open her chemise from the neck downward and showed her womb and the rondure of her hips. When badar al-Din saw this glorious sight, his desires were aroused, and he got up, took off his clothes, wrapped the purse of gold that contained the thousand dinars from the Jew in his bag trousers, and laid them under the edge of the bed. Then he took off his turban, placed it on top of his clothes, and had nothing on except his skullcap and fine shirt of blue silk laced with gold. Thereupon, the Lady of Beauty embraced him, and he took her onto his arms, set her legs around his wrist, and aimed his cannon point-blank at the spots where it would batter down the bulwark of maidenhead and lay it to waste. And he found her a pearl unpierced and a filly unridden by men except himself. So he took her virginity and enjoyd her youth in his virility, and soon he withdrew sword from sheath. Then he returned to the fray right away, and when the battle and the siege were finished, there had been some fifteen assaults, and she conceived through him that very night. Afterward he placed his hand under her head, and she did the same, and they embraced and fell asleep in each other's arms."
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