It was always going to be difficult. My mates, who are not known for being physically fit and mentally competitive, were outrun, outthought, outfought, and outclassed from the first minute. I yelled at a couple of my mates and they were not too happy with me. They probably thought I was being too serious about a ‘friendly’ kickabout. Well, our Vietnamese opponents were also being ‘friendly’ but that did not stop them from battling as a team and battering us. Our tackling was virtually non-existent. When it came it was half-arsed. Too often I found myself defending against two or three opponents without my teammates showing even the slightest inclination to fall back and help out.
It could have been a humiliating rout; my heroic efforts turned it into a mere loss. If any women were watching our game, they would have concluded that Shitholer males are pathetic. Two years in the army and a bunch of young lads could not even play a football game without huffing and puffing like they are going to suffer an asthmatic attack any moment. A few years of playing together and they play like they barely knew one another from Adam. More than a few years of kicking a ball around and a few cannot even execute a pass farther than five metres without bungling the job.
In conclusion, Shitholer males are physically weak and I have no intention of being associated with that ilk.
My wayward friend Fuzz Car told me he is going for a job interview at some semiconductor firm next/this Thursday. He wanted to know what questions the interviewer may ask. I gave him a few pointers and he replied saying that he ‘knew’ this and that. If he had known these things why did he ask me in the first place. Seriously, knowing that some of his church mates are professionals, it might be better for him to consult them. Chicken said that our friend ought to be re-educated and I could not agree more. What have they been teaching him? I guess that since he is a carrot to Thai whores it is a reasonable assumption that his church mates have been treating him the same way.
The Holy Land is the best place for slop, as Chicken and I discovered long ago.

Forget about the French and Italians! The Chinese are the best cooks!
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